WarOnXmasSaturday, December 9 at 12 PM - 3 PM

Green Mill - St. Paul
57 Hamline Ave S, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55105

The Halloween decorations are already out of stores and the Xmas ones are up! To celebrate the War on Christmas, some of us atheists will be joining up for some fun, secular, holiday cheer at the Green Mill Restaurant in St. Paul just like we have for several years. We will be meeting in the banquet room.

The Green Mill Restaurant is near Ayd Mill and Grand Ave. in St. Paul (57 South Hamline). Please bring a NEW gift(s) from the list below and join your family of heathens in organizing gift bags for families spending time at Children's Hospital of Minnesota. It would be helpful to let the rest of us know what your gift donation is when you RSVP or in the Comments section so we don't offer too much of one thing and we get a good variety of gifts.

The room is available to our group from 12:00pm to 3:00pm. We'll enjoy a festive Christmas lunch beginning around 12:30 from the Green Mill menu, followed by gift wrapping, organizing, socializing, and partaking in some Christmas spirits. Depending on how many RSVP we should end up with some decent gift bags for families.

Bags should be age appropriate so that some might have baby rattles for infants, Hot Wheels for school agers, and logic puzzles for adolescents, for example. The bags will be delivered the following week at a date to be determined. Those who wish to meet at the hospital will have our picture taken with the Children's Hospital "Wish List" coordinator.

Please plan on spending about $10-$20 so we can pack these bags full! Again, it's important to indicate what donated gift(s) you will be bringing when you RSVP or in the comments section so we can have a variety of gifts.

• Infant: rattles, O-balls, sound and light toys, Fisher Price Aquariums or Melody/Motion Soothers, Mozart Magic Cubes, mirrors, stacking and sorting toys

• Toddler/Preschool: Matchbox/Hotwheels cars, Fisher Price Little People, Playmobil, Disney, Fisher Price medical kits, puzzles, sound story books

• School age: Uno, Connect Four, Sequence, Sorry, Candy Land, Lego sets, puzzles, Barbie and Ken dolls and clothes-all ethnic backgrounds, I Spy or Seek-N-Find Books

• Adolescents: Gift cards: $10-$15 to Best Buy, Barnes and Noble, iTunes, Michael's, playing cards, Cribbage, Chess, Monopoly, Life, Risk

• Nail Polish: individual colors, nail art kits, polish remover
Sketch/Doodle Pads

• Music therapy: Hohner plastic harmonicas, Maracas, Jazzy Jingles

• Arts and crafts: Play-Doh, Crayons/Markers: Crayola, washable, all sizes and colors, fuzzy posters, kits: Klutz, Alex, Toysmith, Melissa & Doug Brands,
watercolor paints

• Favorite characters and types of books: animals, Blues Clues, cars & trucks, Curious George, dinosaurs!, Doc McStuffins, Dora the Explorer, Fancy Nancy, I Spy/Look & Find, Pete the Cat, princesses, super heroes, Thomas the Train

• Gift bags