"Atheists Talk" is not the only podcast in the Twin Cities for atheist and skeptics. On this show, we will do a bit of cross-promotion. Joining us live and in the studio are podcasters who have their own shows; "Geeks Without God," "Positively Godless," "A Minnesota Trans Atheist," and "Dimland Radio." We will find out what they say and do in their podcasts and give our listeners some new audio resources for fun, science, atheism, music and skepticality.
Listen to AM 950 KTNF on Sunday at 9 a.m. Central to hear Atheists Talk, produced by Minnesota Atheists. Stream live online. Call in to the studio: 952-946-6205, or send an e-mail to radio@mnatheists.orgduring the live show.
Atheists Talk radio and podcast is a communications service of Minnesota Atheists. Our volunteer producers, hosts, interviewers, and contributors are committed to presenting topics of interest to atheists and humanists. Topics include, but are not limited to, general atheism and humanism, separation of church and state, science, religion, gender, race, culture, and the arts.
In denigrating atheists, theists will often claim that we have no basis for morals nor a grounding for ethics. We don't have a book, we don't have a source, we don't have commandments that tell us, as atheists, how to be good. Engaging the issue, atheists often make the mistake of listing all the good things that we do as citizens and generally altruistic human beings and rightly we are proud of our efforts. But, we aren't necessarily more moral or ethical than anyone else and so, if we take credit for the good things we do we have skipped a crucial step in argumentation: we haven't defined our terms. When I have asked Christians to define ethics and morals based on the actions we take and contemplate in our daily lives, I discover that it really comes down to their belief that they are "saved," and we are not.
Dr. Dan Fincke is a professor of Philosophy and has written several articles discussing the issues of ethics and morality and is going to return to Atheists Talk to explain Empowerment Ethics and how we can use objective, non-religious means to develop ethics and morals.
Listen to AM 950 KTNF on Sunday at 9 a.m. Central to hear Atheists Talk, produced by Minnesota Atheists. Stream live online. Call in to the studio: 952-946-6205, or send an e-mail to radio@mnatheists.orgduring the live show.
Atheists Talk radio and podcast is a communications service of Minnesota Atheists. Our volunteer producers, hosts, interviewers, and contributors are committed to presenting topics of interest to atheists and humanists. Topics include, but are not limited to, general atheism and humanism, separation of church and state, science, religion, gender, race, culture, and the arts.
A lot has been going on in Indiana in the recent news. Govenor Mike Pence and the Indiana RFRA - the Religious Freedom Restoration Act - have many of us in a tizzy, and rightfully so.
The 1993 federal RFRA signed in to law by President Bill Clinton prohibits the government from substantially burdening a person's ability to practice his or her religion — unless the government can show it has a compelling interest to do so, and in those cases, they must use the the least restrictive way to achieve those interests. Amidst similar state level RFRAs springing up all over the country in recent months, Indiana has made headlines by passing a much more broadly-worded bill which has, among other indignities, opened the door to protecting flagrant bigotry in business practices.
But as usual, there are good people speaking up about bad laws. Victoria Gipson is a board member of Freethought Fort Wayne, the first chapter of the American Humanist Association. Victoria recently wrote an article for TheHumanist.com in which she discusses the passage of Indiana Senate Bill 101, and how humanists and other opponents of the bill are fighting back.
Join us this Sunday when we have Victoria Gipson on Atheists Talk to discuss the RFRA and humanism in the Hoosier state.
Listen to AM 950 KTNF on Sunday at 9 a.m. Central to hear Atheists Talk, produced by Minnesota Atheists. Stream live online. Call in to the studio: 952-946-6205, or send an e-mail to radio@mnatheists.orgduring the live show.
"We're not unchurched, we're done churched." Neil Carter, from his blog Godless in Dixie.
According to the General Social Survey(GSS,) the number of Americans choosing not to affiliate with a specific religion is growing rapidly larger. Since 2012 the number has risen by 7.5 million people. Does this mean that the number of atheists or agnostics is growing that rapidly? No, not so fast. There are a large number of still-religious people who don't go to church or feel like organized religion fills their spiritual needs. So, among the Nones, there are religious people and even people who designate themselves as "spiritual but not religious." And then there are The Dones. Neil Carter has been there, done that and has a bunch of the t-shirts of a churchy background, but now he is an atheist. He blogs at Patheos, and has written of the Dones as a subset of the Nones.
Listen to AM 950 KTNF on Sunday at 9 a.m. Central to hear Atheists Talk, produced by Minnesota Atheists. Stream live online. Call in to the studio: 952-946-6205, or send an e-mail to radio@mnatheists.orgduring the live show.
Atheists Talk radio and podcast is a communications service of Minnesota Atheists. Our volunteer producers, hosts, interviewers, and contributors are committed to presenting topics of interest to atheists and humanists. Topics include, but are not limited to, general atheism and humanism, separation of church and state, science, religion, gender, race, culture, and the arts.