The (hypocritical) Day of Prayer

By James Zimmerman
james_head.jpgOn May 5th, while the Day of Reason celebration was happening inside the Capitol, the Day of Prayer was happening outside. Here is a short (~3 minutes) video showing some of the events of the Day of Prayer. MNA member James Zimmerman added in some scriptures to highlight the (non-)biblical nature of the day.

Welcome to Pig's Eye, Minnesota!

By Eric Jayne

(This is a separate article from the April Fools' spoof that appeared on this website April 1)
There’s a Birdseye in Colorado, Frogeye in Maryland, Hogeye in Texas, and even a Pigeye in both Alabama and Ohio.  For a long time there was a Pig’s Eye in Minnesota until a Catholic missionary by the name of Lucien Galtier arrived on the muddy banks of the Mississippi River in 1840 to establish a Christian community. The following year, in 1841, Galtier successfully renamed Pig’s Eye to its current name of Saint Paul after he began the construction of the Church of Saint Paul.  Sixty-six years later construction began on the Cathedral of Saint Paul—recently commissioned as the “National Shrine of the Apostle Paul” by the Vatican— which would finally be completed in 1958.  If we take a moment to consider the Apostle Paul’s misogynistic teachings, the Catholic Church’s chronic issue with priestly pedophilia, and the adulation for American entrepreneurial small business ownership, we might want to consider restoring the name of the capitol city back to Pig’s Eye—or something more appropriate.

Read more: Welcome to Pig's Eye, Minnesota!

Book Review: Jesus Lied, He was Only Human

By Grant Steves

jesus_lied.jpgThe label found on the cover of CJ Werleman’s new book states “Explicit Content – WARNING – Harmful to Faith.” A plethora of similar books has been released in the last few years. Books from significant New Testament scholars with the ability to reach the general reading audience are among those published. These include:
-Biblical Errancy (2000, by C. Dennis McKinsey)
-Secret Origins of the Bible (2002, by Tim Cahahan)
-Misquoting Jesus (2005, by Bart Ehrman)
-The Empty Tomb (2005, by Robert Price)
-The Bible Against Itself (2006, by Randel Helms)

Read more: Book Review: Jesus Lied, He was Only Human

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