By Eric Jayne
Minnesota Atheists recently received a nice thank you letter from Children’s Hospital of Minnesota after we donated two carloads of toys and other gifts to benefit hospital patients and their families as part of our comprehensive War on Christmas campaign. The letter starts off with a standard greeting, and, is in all other parts a standard thank you letter—all other parts except for one. The second paragraph opens with the following line: Please accept our heartfelt appreciation of your generous gift given in memory of not believing in Jesus to Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota.
There’s no reason to doubt that the staff at Children’s Hospital has a great sense of humor but the line was likely included because when the gifts were dropped off the group of godless gift-givers wrote “not believing in Jesus” under the In Memory of line on the gift donation form. That part of the letter was probably formatted with the help of the hospital's mail merge software.
In either case, the letter is quite possibly the best (funniest, anyway) thank you note ever received by Minnesota Atheists.