By Eric Jayne
Minnesota Atheists has traditionally released an annual T-shirt design for the past several years. The color combination of shirt and logo has changed every year – blue on white, blue on gray, red on gray, blue on yellow, magenta on pink, yellow on green, white on purple, blue on wheat and orange on black. Recently a message was added to the back: “Positive Atheist in Action.” We have stuck with this presentation for quite some time…until this year.Beginning in May, Minnesota Atheists will sell a timely—and timeless—shirt depicting our support for marriage equality at a time when the state’s constitution is vulnerable to discrim-inatory manipulation on this November’s ballot.
This year’s shirt is light lavender with a dark purple MNA logo and white outline on the front. The shirt’s backside reads “Minnesota Atheists Supports Marriage Equality” with coupled male/male, female/female, and male/female silhouettes under the text. The shirts are available for $6.66 at most events, but we welcome payments above the suggested price, and we’ll offer the shirts to those who march with us in the Twin Cities Pride Fest parade on June 24 for a small $5.00 donation.
It can be difficult to mobilize atheists around particular causes or political issues, but when there are concerns of religious intrusion into our public policy atheists of every political stripe are mostly united. Since religious leaders and organizations supply virtually all the power, all the money, and all the influence behind marriage discrimination propaganda, members belonging to socially conscientious secular organizations (such as MNA) should and do feel good about protesting such actions.
When you wear this year’s shirt you might feel good about supporting the rights of a marginalized community. You might feel the pride of rejecting religious dogma that justifies discriminatory policies in our society. Perhaps you’ll be reminded that morality is better achieved when religious texts are left unopened. Maybe you’ll experience all of this, some of this, or none of this, but at the very least you’ll feel comfortable in the soft, durable 100 percent cotton t-shirt.
If you’d like to receive this year’s special shirt in the mail, send $12 (via personal check, money order, or cash) to Minnesota Atheists P.O. Box 120304, New Brighton, MN 55112. Contact us at for further questions or more information.