Do you enjoy listening to our “Atheists Talk” radio show, either live on air on AM 950 KTNF radio, or streaming live on-line, or as a podcast later? What many people don’t realize is that we have to pay for our time slot – over $10,000 a year. We think it’s worth it because we get a lot of positive feedback from people we meet at the festivals at which we have booths.
Our costs are defrayed a bit by ads from the Humanists of Minnesota and Q.Cumbers Restaurant, but we still have to come up with thousands of dollars each year. Can you help us? We have enough funds to do another month or two, but after that we’ll have to seriously consider cancelling our show.
Please make a generous donation on-line at or mail a check to Minnesota Atheists, P.O. Box 120304, New Brighton, MN 55112. Thank you!